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Re: Hypo, now on 100mg Lugol's: Am I Missing Anything?
slowsmile Views: 3,905
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Re: Hypo, now on 100mg Lugol's: Am I Missing Anything?

The whole body benefits for iodine just go on and on. Here is a doc that I wrote after I did some particularly heavy research on iodine several years ago:

The Magic of Lugol's Iodine

When I had candida I started to take higher dosages of LI. I clearly remember its immediate effects were that my brain fog disappeared and my thinking became sharp again, I suddenly had much more energy and all the heavy mucus in my chest and nose suddenly disappeared -- because iodine is also a mucolytic and heavy protective towards the lungs. That was over 8 years ago. Since then I've been taking 5% LI at 6 to 8 drops a day for health maintenance and I haven't caught a cold or flu or anything in 8 years. Iodine is simply a nutrient that our body cannot do without such that if you don't have the right levels of whole body iodine in your body then you are simplyy not healthy.Simple as that. 



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