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Re: Hypo, now on 100mg Lugol's: Am I Missing Anything?
Avimelech Views: 3,379
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Re: Hypo, now on 100mg Lugol's: Am I Missing Anything?

Thanks for the reply, Hanna,

My understanding is that fibro is sometimes a symptom of hypo. That's where I believe it came from as I'm very healthy otherwise apart from hypo that I think came upon me from a very common situation of American's being deficient in Iodine for years (or having too many bromides blocking the little Iodine we get).

Also, I'm not taking just iodine. I'm taking all the other co-supplements as recommended in the Iodine forum.

So it is possible that this can be resolved from just fixing the thyroid.

In summary, I'm trying to fix my hypo-thyroid and all the related symptoms including the fibro. (That's why I purposely did not post on the fibro forum as I did not want advice from people with only fibro and no thyroid problem.)



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