Pigs eat everything. They will eat other pigs given the chance.
D3 in pill form is a poison. Go ask trapper. Get your 'D3' from the sun. Get your sunlight from sunlight. Reductionism is a plague. Do you really think that you can reduce the energy source of all life and hence knowledge on earth into a pill? Then you actually do deserve to suffer with whatever disease you have if you cannot see the folly therein. Go read some Johana Budwig regarding differentiated photonic energies.
Wilson's disease exists, but not as stated by Wilson and he doesn't have a solution to it.
All of these diseases named by self-important a**ho** doctors are not defined properly. Supplementing liothyronine will not cure anything when your conversion enzymes are damaged.
Meat can be used medicinally in some cases successfully but you have to be self aware. And certainly not use it as a primary energy source.
Stop accusing me of being natway btw it's a huge insult.