The Bentonite in particular is a highly absortive clay and you're not supposed to take any nutrition etc 1 hour before to one hour after. In addition you also hafta do lots of water and specifically you chase the BPs with and equal amout of water immediately after. Read the FAQs and find Ptree's post of how to properly do the BPs.
If you were having carrot/apple 3 to 4 times a day while on the Master-Cleanse then you really weren't doing the Master-Cleanse but were juice fasting with lemonade added but the good news is you got some good colon cleansing done with the BPs.
The Master-Cleanse works by giving the digestive system a break so the body will use that extra energy to cleanse and heal and if you add "anything" to it that requires digestion it will interfere with the cleansing/healing action. Certainly adding something as sugar/calorie/nutrient ladden as carrot and apple juice 2 to 3 times a day during the MC your digestive system stayed in full swing so I doubt you did a whole lotta cleansing of the magnitude of a real MC other than getting a good cleansing of your colon with the BPs.