I agree with you regarding some of the info. The protein thing also I agree is a bit dubious. The one thing I do believe though is that we don't need as much protein to function as has been pushed on us by the main stream and is more in line with the mentality of main stream meat industry.
I agree with you also on some supplements (not during the MC) but at the same time do beieve that if at all possible getting our sources direct from our foods is the best way. It is also very difficult and one would hafta devote a large portion of our daily lives combining the right food to get what we need. That is one of the reasons I'm a big proponent of juicing cause the body has to turn things to juice first in order to assimilate the nutrients and when you juice one has already done 80/90% of digestion making it very easy for us to absord a huge amount of the available nutrients and vitamins that would otherwise go down the poop shute,