Re: Natural sun, natural minerals, relaxation, natural diet can cure
"but you started the argument with your touchy persona"
Again .. given your history of negative posts regarding copper detox as a protocol, don't you think that is to be expected.
How touchy are you with Natway about the existence of adrenal fatigue?
So yes, I am on the defensive with you on this subject.
You chased Natway to his other forum because he got under your skin in regards to the existence of adrenal fatigue. So you are not quite a Zen master either :)
I do see that NB doesn't work out for everyone. It is a slow path, and the detox can make things worse for a long time. For years.
But out of all the things I have seen people try over the years, there are at least some success stories.
Can you name me a protocol with 100% success?
If people don't make lifestyle changes, nothing will work. Some form of meditation or Yoga is required for example.