Re: Natural sun, natural minerals, relaxation, natural diet can cure
and I still doubt it had anything to do with roaming copper. Free opinion, and based on fact with the gaba link to Prog cream. You just decided to take it in the way that you always do.
Yes I have my thoughts on NB and shoving coffee up your backside, but do I see anything on this thread that relates to my personal opinion of the process? No. Did many people, after 2, 3,4 years on FB group got nowhere and feel worse. Yes. Law of averages, especially on that group.
Anyhow, out of respect because, of that previous post you mention that I admit, I was not right in, I do not voice such opinions anymore, however my opinions on the cult leader you follow will always stand and I will remain to talk freely about the pyschopath that tells you to eat sardines out of an alumnium can everyday and all woman in bikinis will be raped.
You can voice any opinions you want about benzos pal, I don't let things get to me anymore :) You have your copper, Natway has his sugar.
Maybe a xanax might do you good though or hit up that prog cream!