Not sure you were really on the Facebook long enough to make that judgement call regarding success rate. You were removed for badgering people on a support forum :)
It takes a long time to detox. Below is a trend of my copper over the last 2.5 years. 8 times the top of the reference range. Still trending up.
Aluminum, mercury, arsenic, lead are all trending up as well. As I continue to get better, they are coming out faster.
Yet I still feel good since the coffee enemas keep stimulating bile flow to clear what is being pulled into circulation.
I have symptoms going away that I didn't even know were symptoms. I had severe jaw pain at the dentist for about 20 years. Could not keep my mouth open since my jaw hurt so bad. That is gone.
I had chronic pelvic pain for about 12 years ... that is gone.
Not all, but some of the people that struggle with NB are the ones who don't like doing the CEs. My wife went away for a long weekend, kept taking here supplements, but didn't do the CEs. By the time she got back, her eyes were burning, she had a metallic taste, nausea, cramps all over.
Onwards credits NB for her success, Hope4myadrenals is doing well, I am doing well. Marie64 was able to taper off HC an her menstrual cycle started again with NB. And of course Laredo via culter protocol.
You are only seeing the posts that reinforce what you believe. You never seem to notice the positive ones.
You mentioned that the GABA link should have worked immediately. But it didn't.
It took 2 weeks. And feel free to look through my old posts. I have mentioned that many time that it took two weeks to reduce my anxiety.
Not to mention the pubmed links I posted previously that estrogen dominance inreases copper, and copper increases anxiety and insomnia.
I don't need the Zanex. I'm calm.
But in the same way you get tired of trying to explain adrenal fatigue to Natway, it gets a little tiring trying to explain and defend the copper connection, detox, and coffee enemas to you.
If you feel you can save the world from Dr Wilson ... have at it.
I don't like a lot that he says either. But his beliefs have nothing to do with his protocol.
If you were an aethist, would you avoid a doctor that believed there is Omnipotent God. Because to an aethist, that is a super crazy belief system. Flip it around ... to many people, it is insane not to believe in God.
Dr Wilson has taken Dr Ecks work, continued it, and added a few things to improves detoxification success.