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Natural sun, natural minerals, relaxation, natural diet can cure
wiredgeneration Views: 4,321
Published: 11 y
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Natural sun, natural minerals, relaxation, natural diet can cure

Something to consider, Adrenal Fatigue is not M.E, its not Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome (whereas a person can have that alongside AF) AF is a stress disorder which contributes to fatigue because the body and the mind is basically in permanent fight or flight mode, and the system has become drained in the later AF stages of all resources to 'cope' It is in a constant state of panic and terror and anxiety because the HPA system is in a serious state of instability. Many with AF, would love to have CFS.

ME is a whole different kettle of fish being that it is a neurological problem, not a post viral one.

Lots of people get this wrong especially on curezone. Everyone has AF who ha fatigue on here! Not everyone with AF, especially in the earlier stages, have serious fatigue - its only at the very bitter end of AF, which is then into pre-Addisons, when the fatigue really gets involved. Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome - The fatigue is there from the start for a differerent reason, and a different type of fatigue. Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome does get lumped into the AF, and many diagnosed with CFS could have AF, all so complicated.

Many members on here come from Florida, one from Spain, so sun has never been an issue for them, Atlhough, what you have mentioned would of course be healthy for AF sufferers, I think it would be healthy for anyone with a health complaint! While peaceful Med inspired relaxation would be fantastic, the majority of folk have lost their jobs, homes, houses, so its generally not an option financially for many, but it would fantastic if it was, it would definitely accelerate healing.

Olive Oil is already a big part of the AF tool kit alongside a healthy Diet and gradual liver, body and mind cleansing.

Long time sun exposure is horrific for AF sufferers though, so that would'nt be the brightest of ideas when in the late stages, but having the opportunity to nip outside for twenty minutes every couple of hours and be baked would be great!


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