Re: Itchy skin with no rash, Crawling and Biting Sensations
Well, the 'scabies' attack I had 'started out' 'itchy' but no 'blotches' at first. Then after a week or so it began getting 'red' in areas but never any 'open sore' issues. My 'fingers' in between was really red (they LOVE warm areas!)and I NEVER 'felt' any 'crawling' just a overwhelming need to scratch! I tried homeopathic (worked some relief), then Permethrin (worked some relief), finally got the Doctor (they are stubborn, they want you to use the Permethrin first!)to give me Ivermectrin and yahoo, after 2 doses, 7 days apart, of 4 (3mg)tablets, gone, gone, gone! (I weigh 108)they gave it to me according to my weight.
I also used (a Nurse at a well known store gave me this advice)the 'lice' spray for ALL my furniture, my beddings (ALL of them), my floor, my carpets AFTER mopping with 1 part vinegar to 1 part water and then 3 capfuls of bleach to 1 gallon of water on ALL my floors. AND, to 'top it off' for 3 full months (yep, I did NOT stop! maybe a lil' 'PTSD'?)CHANGED THE BEDDING EVERY DAY AND ANYTHING I WORE WASHED IT EVERY DAY FOR 3 MONTHS WITHOUT FAIL!
Now, I have 'on hand' 20 Ivermectin and my homeopathic (that worked well in conjunction with everything else I really believe that!)lotion/shampoo/soap AND (thank God it's just my husband who lives with me)had him do everything with me EXCEPT the Ivermectin (he did not get it!awesome!)and have a 'residual' (this is normal and is NOT 'active scabies', you will KNOW the difference, believe me!)occasional itching that is less and less.
However, because I am very 'guarded' about this, tomorrow, 4/22/2014 I will take first thing in the morning, one, '4' pill dosage of Ivermectin before eating and wait at least one hour before eating (just like before)(3mg)because we will be going on a trip and that stuff is so great that should any 'scabies' try to 'take a ride' on me, IT WILL DIE!
Happy happy!