My husband has suffered from Folliculitis for just over 6 years now. We had no idea what it was at first. At times he would get very bad flare ups. He used a prescription for a 6 month period and vowed never to use one again because of the horrible side effects. That being said, I started a home based business with a health and wellness company one year ago. I of course was/am using their products that are formulated with botanically based ingredients. They are advertised as Pure, Safe, and Beneficial ( which they are). My husband started using my shampoo and conditioner and told his dermatologist he found it to help his condition. I looked further into the product line and found one for him called "Thermal Fusion Hair and Scalp Revitalizer". It works from the "root" to the tip of the hair. It works for him! He may never be cured of his Folliculitis, however these products control nasty flare ups. His condition is at the back of his scalp. I would be happy to help anyone with this condition. I am new to this web site and not sure how it works but I will look for responses to this post. J