Folliculitis cure: The only thing that helped me is putting PROBIOTICS on my skin
Does your son still has folliculitis?
I had it for 4 years, that was after I had 4 rounds of anti-biotics. 2 in Holland (I'm Dutch) and 2 in Canada in 2008. So I got severe scalp
Acne and later also on my back and bad in my face.
The only thing that helped me is putting PROBIOTICS on my skin. Crush a caplet or open a capsule, make a paste with a few drops of water. Put it on the affected skin.
Let it sit for 1/2 to 1 hour and rinse it off.
Don't use antibacterial soaps or
Acne cleansers.
My skin cleared up in 2 days. You have to apply it every day. The probiotic/good bacteria will fight/eat the yeast/fungi. My
Acne is still gone, now for 1 month already. I take now also probiotic orally to increase the good bacteria in te intestines.
It's worth trying and it is so simple.