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Re: My folliculitis cure

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kerrylee Views: 151,776
Published: 14 y
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Re: My folliculitis cure

Hi there...I was just wondering if you are still cured of this? Also how long have you been cured.

I have spent thousands of dollars trying to help my 18 yr. old son with this. Its been going on 3 years. He is developing Depression as well, which I think this is a huge part.

He has been seen by 3 dermatologist, the CDC, Shands hospital, regular doctor, just had a gastric biopsy (that claimed no candida or gluten intolerance), also a allergist and next week hes going to a immuniologist.

Currently he is on 200mg oral keteconazole for 14 days. Finally clearing up. Scalp is never totally clear unless hes on Antibiotics . I refuse them until its really bad.

It started on his scalp after a 8 mo. course of Accutane for acne. I don't really think the accutane caused it, because a lot of times they cure it supposedly with accutane. I believe it was the 2 years prior of constant Antibiotics for acne. This new dermatologist I started to see actually has seen this before, (which I could not believe because no one else has). He did several swabs (of puss) on scalp and said to come back next week. I told him they always come back with nothing. He said then its yeast and put him on the meds.

It started in his scalp... I'm talking ALL over. like 80 pustuals, painful, angry red. after 3 years its creeped to his back and chest and starting to go a little on sides of face. We have GOT to get a handle on this. This new doc. said he will do a treatment with oral fungals. I want to trust him but cant see my sons face when it doesnt work AGAIN!

Long story short close to a year ago I stopped all the eight different shampoos, all the 25 topicals, all the meds and took him to a homeopathic/MD. Of everyone he helped the most. It cost me $1500.00 for the tests, spit, stool, blood....he immediatly called and said take him off wheat and dairy. I did...he cleared up 90%. He also had him take 3 Neem pills everyday and a oral Vit. A. This was when it was just on his scalp.

Its been almost a year and we are going back in 2 weeks because I truly believe its a yeast overgrowth and have suspected candida. When I told this new derm to test the cultures for candida, he looked at me like I was nuts. He said regardless of what yeast it is, the antifungals would kill it. Then he told my son food plays no role and go back to eating what he wanted. When my son and I went back to the car I said, HELL NO. Stay gluten/dairy free till we go back to the homeopath and see what he says.

I just cant figure why its creeping up more. getting worse. My son stays strict to this diet, which I will feel awful if he really could eat. The diet adds to his depression. The only thing I can think of is about 6 months ago he was getting Acne on checks and I gave him a oral Antibiotic again. But if it was really a food thing then why did it start again. I also believe my son has a suppressed immune system. Not sure why but, hes on the small side, cant gain weight, doesn't help with not eating what he wants. I guess I think this because people with immune problems get folliculitis. Also an after thought here..there is a girl I contacted after she posted she was cure. She said she had Pityrosporum (yeast) folliculitis and Accutane 4 month treatment cured her. Who knows???

Please let me know your thoughts and thank you.


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