Hi Kerry
Initial thoughts:
Extra-Virgin Coconut oil internally and topically at night, non-flavored Coconut Kefir pro-biotic scalp masks,
Wild Oil of Oregano topically and/or added to allergen free shampoo.
If you try WOoO internally begin with one drop and large glass of water to see how he tolerates it as it is powerful. It can sneak up on you as much as an hour after you take it.
I began with 3 as instructed and wish I'd built up/tested for tolerance. The first time I took it I had heart palpitations. I lowered it for my second go and got impossibly sleepy. I stopped taking it internally and now use topically.
It should be used internally with caution anyway as it is known to be a powerful anti-biotic/anti-fungal both topically and internally.
For the long story and further suggestions read further:
I'm a 32 year old Post-Bacc/pre-med at Loyola. I've struggled most of my life with Acne, Eczema, and now Gram-Negative Folliculitis.
Various derms began dosing me at age 13 with multiple forms of
Antibiotics for what was then a minor case of acne. Tetracycline, Minocycline, and Doxycycline - I've now developed resistance to these over the near decade they were prescribed to me.
Antibiotics are out of the mix as well...taken off of Accutane 2 months in due to severe headaches.
I decided to go off
Antibiotics soon after a college nutrition class in which my prof hipped me to the dangers of resistant strain susceptibility and the rise of bad bacteria.
This class was the harbinger of things to come.
Years of successive yeast infections, deep cystic
Acne (of which I'd never experienced prior to going to the derm as a young teen), and what I now know to be gram-negative folliculitis.
I also began having digestive issues, everything I ate seemed to make my stomach blow up and enrage in addition to making my eczema flare.
When I moved from the South to the West Coast I was incredibly lucky to be exposed to new modes of eating and natural treatments.
I went raw vegan - strict raw vegan, cutting out even most of the fruits (except grapefruit and goji) in favor of veggies and nuts (using a variety of raw vegan cook books to keep it interesting) and within 5 or 6 months my skin was so clear I stopped wearing makeup.
This was in my mid-twenties. All my skin/yeast issues including my eczema cleared. At that time, without insurance, the best I could do was understand I either had severe candida issues or
food allergies .
When I moved to the midwest a couple of years ago, I began eating a variety of foods again and everything returned with a vengeance.
I took advantage of the free Celiac screening at U Chicago and was diagnosed Celiac.
I've been dairy free for over 5 years now, this is never an exception for me, soy is an occasional exception of which I'm about to permanently nix, and I've been gf despite the inadvertent 'spamming' when cross contamination occurs.
Finding gf/vegan topical products without hidden soy and wheat derivatives is a nightmare.
All I know is that being raw vegan without wheat berries and soy products either balanced the bacterial upset and/or removed the hidden allergies.
It's soooo terribly cold here - which is why I went off it to begin with. The craving of warming foods is intense.
My case of gn folliculitis on my face and neck is the worst it's ever been, worsening in just the last few months.
Last semester was a stress mess of Organic Chemistry and Physics, thus perhaps the loads of caffeine, chocolate, pacific rolls with soy and little else set yeast and bacterial balance way off.
After talking with a couple of the nutrition profs at school I generated a list of treatment options to try/alternate that perhaps are in line with your homeopathic/MD. These are among my new year's to try list.
FYI: I also work PT at WF while in school. I peddle supplements and herbs - I am grateful that I often get to sample products that could be of benefit and have a decent discount to keep up with this lifestyle.
Greens smoothie 'cleanse': Lacino Kale, Celery, Avocado, Dandelion Greens (for the liver), Grapefruit (tart yes, but low glycemic), Celtic
Sea Salt and two scoops of optically active MSM (sulfur is incredibly cleansing).
Raw foods flood the system with living vitamins, minerals, and active enzymes. Anything dehydrated below 113 degrees counts too.
When not eating raw, allergy-free digestive enzymes to aid and relieve the system of having to work too hard thus more energy to heal or tackle other issues.
Begin by tackling Candida nixing all sugar.
This to combat the good/bad bacterial imbalance caused by years of antibiotics and iffy consumption.
Re-estab good bacterial balance both internally and externally.
Topical antibiotics and
Acne treatments can destroy the slightly acidic protective pH balance of the skin and create the perfect landscape for bad bacteria/gram neg and yeast to thrive.
Allergy free pro-biotics topical masks using non-flavored Coconut Keifer alongside TCA and Jessner Peels to re-establish acidity.
Favoring topical products with acidic pH - juice organics makes a great blemish serum that's organic and all natural the pH will preserve skin's acid mantle creating a favorable foundation for good bacteria.
I've long used q-tip spot treatments with at-home TCA and Jessner solutions to help heal/prevent scarring - the only prob, using baking soda to neutralize the peel which has an alkaline pH :P I've always assumed the acidic serum restores the balance of the theory.
Internally: No fruit sans lemon and grapefruit due to their alkaline forming properties and low glycemic index.
No alcohol, sticking to no dairy nor glutens, no soy of any kind (I will miss liquid aminoes).
Alkaline forming/low glycemic foods.
Neem internally.
Wild Oil of Oregano internally 3 drops 3 times a day.
Topical application of Wild Oil of Oregano is new gem treatment for me.
I began this a couple of weeks ago and the largest nodules that were not budging for past couple of months have begun shrinking.
A few smaller ones cleared, but the largest most painful ones are def taking time to clear, but there' no doubt the WOoO is responsible for them beginning to clear.
Saccharomyces Boulardii for Candida - it is technically not a traditional probiotic. It is a non–pathogenic yeast that combats Candida.
This taken alongside a multiple strain probiotic - look for an allergen free, Jarrow def makes one. I plan on taking these at different times of the day.
Yeast Cleanse which has Zinc, Pau d'Arco, Vitamin C, garlic, Caprylic Acid...if you don't want to do a formulation you could always try tablespoons of Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil and take Zinc and fresh garlic (make sure to chew or chop).
EVCO is a medium chain fatty acid as is Caprylic. They aren't stored as fat but are quick burning fats that are also used as anti-fungals.
Dandelion tea will help to cleanse the liver during times of scriipt pollution, high fat meals, and healing crisis.
Burdock and Milk Thistle aren't to be underestimated.
The Detox Tea formulation by Yogi is pretty fab. The Trad Medicinals Roasted Dandelion is tasty.
Switch to glass bottles for water. NO plastics. I bought a couple of glass gallon jugs and use the UV/reverse os/charcoal water dispense at WF to refill.
Plastic is a prob period. My Chem prof laughs at BPA free marketing and maintains that all plastics when not temp stabilized are an issue beyond being endocrine disrupters.
The steel/aluminum togo bottles are a joke to as these metals are not immune to eroding into the fluids they're meant to store.
Garlic. Fresh. Chopped or chewed well. As many as can be tolerated throughout the day. Wild Oil of Oregano and Garlic about as powerful as it gets, at least according to as much as we pretend to know at the moment.
All info regarding Folliculitis seems to point towards long-term
Antibiotic use and systemic candida.
There are sooo many possible avenues to pursue when fighting the imbalance.
The hardest thing for me is the willpower to stick to being super clean while in school.
Stress and the need to stay awake 18 hours a day in order to accomplish all my goals is what seems to undermine my health and healing, which may also be an issue for your young son.
When combating something as rebellious as gnf, a long-term, probiotic healing protocol must be adhered to.
At least in my experience I know there's no short term cure all. It affects many organ sytems and no one thing, especially topical can be expected to heal it.
I hope this helps?
-Lady Mae