God, soooo much info. I've had experience with drinking castor oil in hot tea made with milk, water, and spices - the Indian kind.
Someone said on that page that I would have to do a parasite flush and then a kidney flush, and then I can do liver/gallbladder flush.
I really want to do it. But at the risk of too much info, a few weeks ago I had cut my nails, but didn't file them. I then took a hot shower and went to bed. Since I didn't have clean boxers, I put on some old briefs. While I was trying to sleep I scratched my balls and general groin area. Now I have a jock's itch and burning/tender/itchy area around my rectum. So crapping the entire night doesn't sound very healthy to me now. I'm trying to cure that too and once it is no longer itchy/burning/rashy/scratched I'll do it.
Your protocol of Liver Flush sounds really simple. Any simple recipes for kidney and parasite flush?