Re: Pinworms - Enterobius vermicularis - threadworms
Hi franky
I've been at this for longer than I'd wish, but in time that I've invested researching and studying various symptoms and phenomena pertaining to my condition I can only surmise this -- although my symptoms resemble a typical parasitic infestation, the truth is that it may actually be much more complicated than that.
My symptoms would have me believe an infestation of
Tapeworm (brown rice, sesame seed-looking material in stool, tiny white worms expelled), pinworms (rectal NOT perianal sensations, ear & nose sensations), roundworms (chronic coughing of phlegm), etc., but the only tangible evidence I have seen exit my body is that of the enigmatic rope worm.
In fact, last night after performing an
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement enema I expelled what appeared to be a stage 4-5 rope with the characteristic blood mark on its 'head'. This morning I woke up with pretty sharp pain in my lower abdomen, so I took 2g of l-glutamine to address the possibility of internal bleeding. Lo and behold, the pain subsided. I remove tons of the mucous/jelly stages on the regular, but other than the ropes I have difficulty identifying any other parasitic lifeforms exiting my body currently.
When I started my quest over 7 mos ago, I remember seeing what appeared to be flukes after defecating. On one occasion I even remember extracting from my nose what appeared to be a white worm no more than 1.5-2
cm in length (it eventually hardened and turned yellowish sans preservation). I have my theories, but of course it is merely speculation without the proper means of diagnostically assessing oneself.
My personal belief is that I am infested with this genetically altered rope
parasite that is eliciting symptoms by proxy. But I also get the feeling that I harbor an extremely tenacious tapeworm(s) due to pale segments I've spotted amongst the 'brown rice' and 'sesame seeds'. From what I understand they can mimic the symptoms of pinworms, ergo the ambiguous nature of our condition.
All in all I've seen decent improvement in my condition, but I do improve gradually everyday. I have to shout out to Deesmiles for steering me in the right direction. Her advice has granted me some clarity during this anomalous period in my life. She's a bit of an aficionado on the subject of ropes, so don't hesitate to ask her because she has a ton of experience with these critters.
P.S. If your health is deteriorating like mine was then, you have nothing to lose scouting for these creatures. If you give it a shot, let me know your findings.