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Re: Pinworms - Enterobius vermicularis - threadworms
Mr. X Views: 3,486
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Re: Pinworms - Enterobius vermicularis - threadworms

Vaseline or nozema will stop the anal itching caused by pinworms. This sounds silly but try this less expensive and less messy option. Generic vanilla cake frosting in the can!

Buy cheap sandwich bags. Place one on your hand, scoop up about a TBS of frosting, apply to bottom, discard bag.

NOW, learn this. The eggs are laid OUTSIDE of the intestines. That is why the females go out at night to deposit eggs UNDER the skin. That is why the eggs can't be washed away.

STEP TWO: Take a glass bowl and add a variety of substances known to kill worms. Examples: black pepper, bromelain, ground coriander.

Expired antiobiotic capsules, open and add to mixture.

Use two spoons and grind aspirin, tylenol, old sleeping pills, old pain relievers, bromelain or papaya supplement tablets, whatever you have.

ADD this concontion to the glass bowl. NOW you have created a little toxic waste dump that will not harm you, but may kill the baby hatchlings.

Take some of this mixture and add some frosting.

Cover your hand with a plastic baggie, scoop up a little and place this on your bottom. The hatchlings may be dumb enough to EAT it. Or take it back to the intestines and foul the nest with the additives.

Worth a try. In any case, frosting costs less than noxema or vaseline and is less messy.

THEN go to a Pentecostal church. Ask the elders to anoint your head with oil and pray in the Name of Jesus Christ. You do not need to tell them except you have an "intestinal" problem. God can heal you.


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