Re: My story -- Please help me identify this picture
Hello, i really would like to point you in the right direction to longevity in the purest most natural way possible, have you heard of distilled water? It is the only pure water in the world unlike all other waters eg tap, bottled, filtered, reverse osmosis etc that all contain inorganic material that build up around everything inside our body's which can create any illness and normally is the cause of most illness's but distilled water has nothing in it but pure water that is negatively charged which has an eletromagnetic pull so when we consume 4 litres/1 gallon a day it pulls all the inorganic minerals, heavy metals, chemicals,
parasites etc out of our bodys, if you would like more info on this please let me know as i can help you achieve perfect health if you want to take this on.
there are four ways to get it and that is fruits, rain water, machine and urine,