I just want to thank you for writing about the enemas. I did all three with about 3 days in between each and didn't even hold them as long as I should've as I couldn't hold the first one hardly at all BUT yesterday and today several very long(half way around the t bowel)worms came out. Sooo thankful. Thanks so much for the info. Any worm out is better than all in. I will do the enemas again sometime and will hope to hold them longer. Will have to listen to Kalcher when I get time. Thank you again...Oh yes, I'm being consistent with the coffee enemas. It's been a few months and they are very helpful. I'm also juicing carrots, apples and greens. I think we all need to build up our body while trying to kill these things. If people can get cured from cancer by using the Gerson Therapy (juicing, coffee enemas,--building up the body etc) then we should, with diligence, be able to aid our bodies in fighting these things.