Yes, your false teachings do effect people more than you could know that is why I'm pointing it out. I'm saying that people who know their God and put faith in Him do not worry about hell, because they are not going. You can worry about your children all you want but it's not going to help. Worry is a worthless waste of time. Praying and believing that God will help them is a better choice. Putting the word of God into them is a better choice.
If you say that I can't know the minds and thoughts of people all throughout the world...then why do you think you can get away with posting an opinion of what you think people are thinking? Apparently you are wrong, since I'm one of those people who think differently.
Of course mothers cry over the wrong their children do...that's a given, but that has nothing to do with whether there is a hell or not. You are adding an element of personal feelings to the mix, instead of scripture....the very thing you accused MST of.
And the Predestination/Free will stuff...goes hand in hand with once saved, always saved and the fact that you think I say that people are saved by works....when I don't believe that. What do you think that we have been debating all these years. Same old stuff. The "no hell" for the damned, is the new twist you have added to everything else.
The videos you post, the debates we had all these years, do not reflect that you believe in man's freewill....only God's freewill. That's all I'm saying.