Re: Uncontrollable(unconscious)anal gas leakage & flatulence
Two suggestions, Read: ‘dr f r klenners’ 28 papers, vitamin C.
From ‘diatomaceous Earth testimonials’.
Animal/human grade Diatomaceous Earth, All natural mineral. non toxic. I have used it 6 months now and love what it has done for me. Many call it a miracle for what its done for them. Helps Celiac disease, colon and fibromyalgia, ‘pain', arthritic, 'Parasites', colon, eczema, blood pressure, cholesterol, candida, age spots, adrenal, stomach, 'energy', heart, diarrhea, drugs, constipation, skin, eyes, hair and nails and many more, This is why many call diatomaceous earth (DE, dirt, mud) 'a miracle’. Works best with at least 3 grams vitamin C and without Processed
Sugar and oils. All ages! Can be found online, and animal feed suppliers and some health stores. …dez...