Re: Brain Injury - therapies and solutions
Destination: Wellness
When I was told by doctors that there was no treatment or cure for my Acquired Brain Injury, I began self-treatment. My goal is 100% wellness.
Remedy: Nat Sulph
There are many things that have helped or continue to help my brain recover. One of these is the homeopathic remedy Natrum Sulphur (Nat. Sulph., for short) which was the first remedy prescribed for me. It is a remedy commonly prescribed for concussion and brain injury.
Homeopathy is so easy. Following instructions, I put the four tiny pillules of Nat. Sulph. under my tongue, at bedtime, at least half an hour after food, drink or brushing of teeth.
Within 20 minutes, something powerful began spreading swiftly through the most injured part (the RHS) of my brain. It was as if a fizzing Berocca drink was seeping into every crevice of brain tissue, cleansing and reactivating as it went.
For several days afterwards I had a mild headache. The “fizzing” continued for several weeks.
Three weeks after that first dose of Nat Sulph, I woke up one morning after only seven hours’ sleep, and felt well-rested.
Since my accident, I’d slept at least 12 hours every night. For the first two years, before I began treating the injury, I slept up to 18 hours each night. No matter how long I slept, I never felt refreshed. Now I generally need only 7-9 hours. Astounding!
I don't always feel well-rested, and sometimes I sleep more than 7-9 hours. But I do find that if I sleep more than 9 hours, I feel very clearly that I have "overslept", and I feel more tired than I should feel.
Since taking that first dose of Nat. Sulph., I have never again slept 13 hours, or 16 hours, or 18 hours. The remedy gave me back several more hours of each day, from that day forward.
Remedy: Apis 30
I was prescribed the remedy Apis 30 for a skin condition. My skin has improved only slightly, but the remedy caused a moderate headache deep in the injured part of my brain. It was a “good” headache, a headache that told me something curative was happening.
The morning after the first dose, the headache had gone. There was a surprise: the right side of my body felt, and continues to feel, much stronger and more synchronised with the left side – which is how it used to feel before my accident. My balance and co-ordination have improved, too.
More remedies
I’ve only just started to explore what Homeopathy can do for my brain recovery. The Homeopath says there are several remedies I could try, one remedy at a time.
I recommend anyone who is on a path of self-treatment seek the assistance of an experienced Homeopath. Ask if he or she will accept whatever payment you may be able to offer. Some remedies interact with certain prescription medicines, so make sure you get good information.
Apparently there are many Homeopaths who have successfully treated patients who have brain injuries. One Homeopath I saw, for just the one appointment, said she had had a Traumatic Brain Injury, incurred in a car accident. It took her two years to cure it herself. She cured it using the Homeopathic remedies Nat. Sulph and Arnica.
Good luck, and please share your own experiences here on this thread. Your travels on the road of self-treatment could help someone like me reach my destination!