Re: when a dental infection has gone too far...
I had best care from my dentist I would go in every four months for a cleaning, and I took care of my teeth.
Suddenly I became very ill, after I had a root canal. I ended up with nausea weight loss, rash, dizziness, shortness of breath, blurred vision at times and a low grade fever. I had dental infection underneath the
root canal that was hidden and finally I just decided to have both
root canals extracted and I was still sick and went to an oral surgeon who discovered my dentist had forgot some stuff at the extraction site another oral surgery had to be done to clean and sterilize the extractions sites
Regarding cavities and /or decay before dental procedures had I known about Dr. Wilson's, Near infrared therapy might of considered this as a viable option but not for root canals
However, if your suffering and in pain now I would run to the dentist, and if they can't figure it out see someone who can figure it out
The other thing is that I've had ozone injections, but I just can no longer take the side effects, I'm hypersensitive the effects of ozone have been too intense for me. A crushing headache, and my skull burns it feels different than a headache, it is literally feel the effects of it on you brain it is hard thing to explain, but I certainly have felt it. The first time it happened a day after ozone injection. I did not realize it was the ozone Injection, but I was so sick I seriously felt like I should go to the ER , Then I saw a pattern emerge every single time I had ozone injections I would have a super bad aching head and my skull would feel odd, plus one or two sleepless nights. I stopped the ozone and went to the best oral surgeon she cleaned out the extraction sites and did a cavitation and sent tissue samples to the pathology lab to be sure. Plus I was put me on clindamycin for 6 weeks with two probiotics that I take three times a day. I also go weekly for mega vitamin C IV'S