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Re: Do what I did - jump to the higher doses! (My experience thus far...)
Ay caramba! You have a lot of work to do!
As do I by the way. My adrenals are still very tired. I am insulin sensitive again though: I reached that goal!
My dad used to get DDT sprinkled over his hair to kill any lice. Yikes! In later years, after it was acknowledges that DDT wasn't such a good idea after all, his doctor advised him to never lose weight!
Please read up on what exactly is healthy food: people have very different opinions on that. I find the West Price site a very good source, because he actually got out there and researched ancient peoples and their foods. So, to me, that's sort of proof that those kinds of diets work.
I now think that lard is good fat. I was raised on processed fats, never liked them though. I love real fats: rich grass fed butter, coconut oil, lard. In my opinion it's not the chicken in lard that's the problem, it is the bad fats that are.
Also the ratio carbs/protein/fats is off in modern diets I believe. I recently read "The Schwarzbein principle II, The Transition". It is a really practical book that explains how the body reacts to certain kinds of foods and also food combo's. I was raised on high carb, low fat and low protein and low nutrients.
I eat a combo of what Weston Price / Paleo / Schwarzbein advise: my own unique diet that works for me.