Hi Kerminator. What does that mean to you..." to not be a student of "religion"? For the mere reading of the bible creates "beliefs" within a person. Beliefs or a type of religion that we live and die by. I don't see how we can avoid it to be honest. Just talking to someone about whether we go to hell or not can create a new thought alteration/or religion for us.
Separating what is God's and what is man's ideas is where I think we are really stuck sometimes. It all blurs together after a while.
Jesus asked us to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all of creation...but how does one do that when none of us even agree together on what He said?
I feel like I'm in a Ringling Brothers Circus and we are the clowns coming out of the really small car sometimes. I much rather be on the trapeze, reaching to catch the hand of Jesus. But for some reason that seems irresponsible or even risky. Does stopping being a student of religion get rid of that big, red, squeaky nose that we sometimes wear? :)