Like I can believe whatever you want...but you have numerous times said you were a christian...said you believed in our Lord Jesus Christ....acted like you wanted to be christian family with us. Matter of fact, you have gotten upset with me on a few occasions for me not thinking you really were a christian. You have deleted many of your posts, changed your user name over and over...and yet, we have tried to trust you and believe you when you tell us your thoughts, in hopes that the Holy Spirit was working on you.
Hunter, please feel free to post whatever you want in this forum....that is not what I'm taking issue with. I just feel like you have deceived, lied and drug us around by the nose playing christian church/family with us, which breaks my heart.
Believing in God is at least one step closer than where I first found you here at curezone. I'm thankful for that.
I pray that God opens your heart to have revelation to whom Jesus really is and how much you really need Him.