My thoughts on NB (RR rating for the whole informative thread)
Hi - I have been thinking alot about NB and have been doing the program for just over 16 months. While I feel it has helped me tremendously I feel there are some prevailing ideas that are somewhat erroneous. Many of the practitioners seem to promote the idea that NB will solve everyone's AF and all other problems. They seem to minimize the necessity of eliminating stressors which have contributed to the AF in the first place.
I think if you read other books on NB you will see that AF can be caused by many contributing factors. Many here like myself are healing with a mind, body and spirit approach.
AF can be caused by
1. Stress - Past and present- Deep unresolved fear - PTSD
2. Nutritional deficiencies- Leaky gut and malabsorption.
3. Heavy metal poisoning.
Amalgam dental fillings
parasites and other chronic infections
6. Overwork, addictive sexua| and gambling habits, over
excercise, adrenaline producing activities
food allergies
8. Medications
9. Lack of sleep and rest
In my own case, in the last 5 years I had all
Amalgam fillings removed. Quit a stressful part-time job and went for counselling for PTSD. Healing diet for leaky gut. Tested for
food allergies which were positive for gluten and dairy. Quit taking psyc meds and most otc meds. Stopped using toxic personal care products. In bed by 10pm. Continued maintenance for chronic infections.
I really doubt that NB alone will fix the above issues. This is where I feel many fail on the program. It is not enough to simply pop the supps and eat a clean nutritious diet if the stressors have not been eliminated. Otherwise the body is in a constant fight against these stressors 24/7.
Many may not like this post but it just echoes what many others in the alternative healthcare fields have been saying all along.
A few months ago I listened to an internet talk show with a well known NB practitioner who laughed and joked about lyme disease. She implied that everyone thought they had this and it was the latest fad. Such an incredible lack of understanding in this area. I was told repeatedly by two other alternative doctors to receive treatments for the chronic infections. I find that many of these practitioners really promote ideas that are really dangerous. I never started feeling really well until I treated the chronic infections thoroughly at the 11th month . This for me has been the last piece of my NB puzzle. My recovery has remained steady for the past 5 months. I am also now taking a very small supplement maintenance program as well.
One last note. The Cat's claw which is constantly suggested as a cure all for chronic infections did not work for me. I started taking the Cat Claw from day 1 - 5 months at very high dosages and it did not take care of all of my chronic infections. So please be careful of these ideas.
I think NB is a great adjunctive therapy but not a cure all. This has only been my experience and I hope others will share their ideas on this as well.