Re: All signs of calorie restriction
The only people I can take serious who disagree are one's who tried low fat the right way and it didn't work or made them worse, like a lot of people here describe how it's been for them on low carb and high fat candida diets.
I used to react negatively to carbs and fruit too when I was eating high fat/low carb. Turned out a high protein and fat diet was the ROOT of my worst health condition at the time and I healed from it within days of reversing my diet to high carb/low fat.
I'm finding lots of people on the internet reporting the low fat candida method worked from them after the low carb method didn't. Some reporting healing within days just like with my different horrible condition. Anthony was the first to bring it to my attention after he reported it worked for him after failing on low carb.
Sky has been struggling with his problem for over 4 years now the way it looks. If the same similar methods aren't working for him, he has to start looking at alternative methods and weigh the options. Will it work for him? Don't know, but it pretty obvious that his current methods haven't been.
My post was for people with candidiasis who haven't gotten better by being on the low carb method for long periods of time and are at their wits end. I even titled my post controversial.
This thread was not started by you and I wasn't addressing you, so I don't appreciate you coming in here and attacking me.
I'm glad your method worked for you, but it's obvious it doesn't work for everybody with your condition.