CAUTION - 80-10-10 is a Multi-Level-Marketing Scam
Again, no science. Douglas Graham is a salesman that gets $6,000 to $30,000 to certify someone to peddle his products.
This can be the ONLY reason why Natway keeps posting this garbage on this Candidiasis site.
Fat IS NOT the root cause of Candidiasis!
I agree with every Candida sufferer who has responded.
A link to one's own post with further links to unscientifically backed statements made by Douglas Graham in youtube videos, does not make something true.
All of the links that natway provides leads to one scam artist who's record shows he no longer holds a chirpractic license in FL since 2000. Douglas Graham
Douglas Graham is out to sell books, videos, CD's, consultations, lectures, courses, certificates and retreats.
You can even buy a certificate to be a "Lifestyle Coach" from him for a mere $29,198.00
What a scam!!