Re: just eating fruit ok? Won't it feed parasites?
I eat the bananas very ripe. The thing seems if you don't eat tons of fat the
Sugar won't feed candidia.
I love sweet potatoes I'll eat some tinorrow. I'm doing a
Colon Cleanse is probably why so many bowel movements. It hadn't been water its been breaking apart like you said. Only supplements I'm doing is milk thistle pills and egg lecithin.
I have
parasites I dunno what kind though. I've seen a 8
inch round worm come out of me. My white blood cells are elevated that indicates parasites(forgot the name) . I used to eat off lots of Mexican food trucks everyday I think that's where I pickrd it up. Definitely still some pain and pressure around gb/liver so something is going on.
In drinking lots imof water and also
juicing and taking super food. Molasses garlic cayenne acv.
I was constipated for weeks and now stuff is moving like crazy since eating tons of fruit.
I do wanna get some beans or rice tomorrow. Nice cooked food sounds good.
Hopefully this body anxiety subsides. Thanks guys