just eating fruit ok? Won't it feed parasites?
Eating lots of bananas and all other druits. The 80/10/10 diet.
So not much fat or any at all now except on empty stomach for fkushes.
A lot of.the symptoms I thought was Benz decreases with each bowel movement. And almost completely went away with first acv bomb . I feel the pressure in my liver building so I'm making the flukes angry.
I an on the all fruit diet just to heal my gut. Trying to avoid grains
And especially meat.
Lots of if1 and if and extra psyllium. I've had at least 10 bowel movements today that's probably what was making me so anxious and sick was all that inside me. I dosed 4mg Valium this norning . It did nothing for me. The acv bomb calmed me down instantly. Weird.
But ya. Lots of apples pineapple bananas(ripe) raisans all of it. My body just doesn't feel hungry except fruot .
I'm about to juice a gallon too but juicer cracked on me.
Thanks for any tips