Everyone needs a well-balanced diet of fruit, veggies, grains, nuts/seeds & plant fats. Dr. Christopher's Mucusless diet is well-balanced and has stood the test of time for decades! http://curezone.com/upload/_N_Forums/Natural_Heali/MucuslessDietDrChristopher...
I've had probably 20 bowel movements today. 20 as in, "not a typo"...twenty?! If so...DUDE, is this naturally occuring (or are you taking that much IF#1)? And if you're taking enough IF#1 to make you have 20 bowel movements...are you trying to kill yourself? Forcing your body to have 20 bowel movements with any product or herbal combon is extremely dangerous! Each time looks like diced onions or apples. The anxiety is hitting me in intense waves. I'm surprised you're not so dehydrated that you're in the ER (quite honestly, followed by a forced psych admission). This sucks. Just ate some hard cheese seems to of helped anxietty.(good protein and fat). Still completely out of touch with reality and losing my mind. It's possible you've thrown your electrolytes way out of balance (not to mention other things).
If you don't stabilize soon, this is one time I suggest going to the ER. Severe electrolyte imbalances (particularly sodium) are nothing to mess around with!
jboy, get a grip! If you took enough IF#1 to induce 20 bms in one day, you're in the running for being one of those people that abuse & misuse natural therapies to the point to 'bringing down the law' on ALL of us - not to mention endangering yourself!
Eating lots of bananas and all other druits. The 80/10/10 diet. Google search: dangers + 80 10 10: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&as_q=dangers&as_epq=80+10+10&...
So not much fat or any at all now except on empty stomach for fkushes. All low fat diets are harmful - in many ways.
A lot of.the symptoms I thought was Benz decreases with each bowel movement. And almost completely went away with first acv bomb . I feel the pressure in my liver building so I'm making the flukes angry. Reread what you're writing/saying jboy - it doesn't make sense.
I an on the all fruit diet just to heal my gut. Trying to avoid grains
And especially meat. Jumping around like a jack-rabbit on a trampoline with the diets, herbs, benzos, changing self-diagnostic & theories isn't going to heal ANYTHING - but it will most certainly make you worse and increase your emotional/mental stress. SLOW DOWN! Use a diet & consistent therapies that have been proven safe through time. You're not going to cure anything in a few days, and you cannot judge any 'therapy or diet' by the reactions of a few days (when you're not starting from solid & stable).
Lots of if1 and if and extra psyllium. I've had at least 10 bowel movements today that's probably what was making me so anxious and sick was all that inside me. I dosed 4mg Valium this norning . It did nothing for me. The acv bomb calmed me down instantly. Weird. I'm understanding that you had 10 bms yesterday and 20 today (or that you had 20 bms over 24 hours), and you did that with IF#1 on purpose. If you're going to continue this type of usage of the IF#1, we'd prefer you buy them elsewhere. It's one thing to be constipated for days on end and accidentally take too many (or not follow the instructions - take 1 per day with the evening meal and increase by one per day); but what you seem to be doing comes across as irrational & dangerous.
You took 4mg Valium and discern it did nothing, but discern that an ACV bomb calmed you down instantly (but above you said the ACV bomb made the flukes mad, which would certainly not calm you down). It would be crazy-rare for someone to take 4mg of Valium and feel/experience nothing - particularly someone that hasn't had a benzo for a couple of weeks after weaning off of MUCH smaller doses for months.
But ya. Lots of apples pineapple bananas(ripe) raisans all of it. My body just doesn't feel hungry except fruot .When I ate meat 3x daily, I felt weak & starved without meat...and my body wasn't hungry for anything but meat. But my body was hungry for something else...and your body (everybody's) is hungry for more than fruit.
I'm about to juice a gallon too but juicer cracked on me.
Thanks for any tips
Get on a stable, time-honored, SAFE diet
Make a sane daily/weekly schedule for your liver work and herbal usage, and stick to the schedule unless there's a true emergency (based on facts, not feelings)
Get back to Benzobuddies, find the list of benzo-friendly docs, call one and make an appointment....or go back to a doc that's worked satisfactorily with you previously. If you feel you're not capable of doing that, then be honest with yourself about whether or not you're capable of making decisions about your health and benzo reinstatement plans.
Wifi, cell phones, dect phones, smart meters, etc...totally trash adrenals & thyroid, and significantly alter cortisol, melatonin, mineral & hormone levels. They cause extreme anxiety, panic, stress and all manner of random pains, symptoms, heart palps & syndromes. There's no reason to not have a wired router. You can buy a corded phone at Walmart (or a 900 mHz cordless home phone on eBay). NEVER SLEEP WITH A CELLPHONE OR WIFI "ON"...EVER!
You can make it through all this; I know you can!
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