Re: Multiple conditions and nothing's working. Help.
I think that's an excellent idea,....opening up to your ND,....she will hear that you're ready to face these detoxes! Somewhere here, there is a format for which flushes should go when. I know one thing,....the liver must be protected and flushed as often as 'we' can. Michael on here said liver first,....he's a bright one,...then
parasites as I recall. (If your liver is sluggish,...and you go too heavy on
parasite stuff, can get WAY toxic! So,...the elimination and waste channels need to be attended to first!)
coffee enemas are a win/win! You will sleep better, skin clears up,....digestion is quicker, energy goes way up, stops falling out as much,.....and it is easier to get alkalized with that acidic waste outtathere! :-)
Baby steps are the ONLY way--good for you. Oh,...and some days,..."no steps". Easy does it! :-)
Glad you're here friend!
Misery,...she does love her company!