I didn't say fat needs to be entirely eliminated. I think this person can eat 1/4 of a normal sizes salmon steak, lots of veggies and a reasonable amount of starches. That's different from 4 eggs and salmon..thats how I got candida in the first place..and vegans and candida? Theres plenty of vegan sources of being overweight and having fat deposits. Almonds, brazil nuts, and raisins for example. As well as drinking orange juice in excess.
And yes, for a short time candida is fed..but if the root cause is a high fat diet..what should you do? Switching to potatoes and veggies for a day didn't really flare up candida...mine was so much worse when i was playing the game of taking in so much fish and then sneaking the carbs like it was something bad..i just had to do the opposite. Eat the potatoes and veggies and then the protein is snuck in the following weeks. This Risen87 is consuming excessive cholesterol and fat and nobody is pointing it out. Can't cholesterol cause stones?