Eggs coconut oil and salmon are destroying your health so all carbs rot in your system. Ive told you this once already. Youre the same as my friends coworkers with the pizza, My past diet high in nuts and meat to cut the carbs for candida...and the girl that studied in argentina and ate a bunch of steak. It is not that complicated. For anyone loading up on the fat like that. Head out for bigmacs and large fries because you are doing the same damage as the supersize me challenge. Fat doesnt mean fatty liver, but the excess does. PROOF is in your posts. Why the harshness anthony? Sick post after sick post and still not listening to the hard truth that you're doing nothing to combat the belly fat.
So how long til u improve? For the time in your life spent loading up on the eggs and salmon, do the opposite and do cardio to undo the flab deposits. Months.