Re: Multiple conditions and nothing's working. Help.
Did you diagnose yourself with candida? I went the same path first. Did the rigid diet, the antifungals, the probiotics, everything. The whole time the real problem was AF and I sent my body into exhaustion trying to kill candida.
One thing that I have learned is that NOT EVERYONE HAS SYSTEMIC CANDIDA. I know I'm probably going to get a lot of flack for saying that but it's true. In fact candida is usually pretty localized, unless your immune system is SOOO run down, as in the case of an AIDS patient. Yeast infections are a result of an imbalance somewhere in the body. In my case I was getting reoccuring vaginal yeast infections due to the severe hormone imbalance caused by the OAT (ovarian adrenal thyroid) axis being out of whack. The endocrine system really is like a symphony, with the adrenals acting as the conductor.
colon cleansing, kidney cleansing, liver cleansing, lymph cleansing- all necessary to treat AF, but you've got to be very GENTLE. Your body is very tired and you've got to treat it like a baby.
Once I stopped focusing on candida and started eating a balanced diet again I felt better. Sweet potatoes (in the right portions) are great for promoting progesterone (as most of us women with ADF and thyroid issues are estrogen dominant). Brown rice is a very good source of B-vitamins which are essential for adrenal function. Carrots have the vitamin A and beta carotenes you need for immune support. All of these foods were off limits with the candida diet. Essentially that diet slowly robs you of vital nutrients. No wonder people who do it never get better.
I still get the occasional yeast infection, but I treat it as needed and it goes away. I make it a point to keep my colon clean (I get a monthly colonic) and I constantly support my liver and kidneys.
Go read the websites that the others suggested, and definitely get your hair test done. If you haven;t done it yet, I would recommend a saliva test too so you can get a good idea of your daily cortisol levels and the status of your sex hormones.
You'll see that once your adrenals start to heal and your immune system gets stronger, your body will eliminate candida on its own. We were all born with our own internal pharmacies.