In pain, need advise!
I'm just entering day 4 of a
Water Fast and I am experiencing great difficulty compared to my 2, two week fast that I have done in the past.
The last 2 fasts I did were quite easy and I didn't endure much discomfort, I also ate raw for 1 week prior to both of them.
This one however is way different. This summer I had a family death in which I coped with it by becoming, quite honestly, a disgusting gluttonous pig. I gained over 30pounds in 2 months(124-158). I became very depressed and addicted to all the
additives in the terrible food I was eating. This addiction has been killing me, no matter how crappy I feel, I still want the food. I have been living in a nightmare. The only way I know to break this addiction is to fast. Unlike the other fasts where I ate raw for 1 week prior, this time I was only able to eat raw for 2 days because my urge to binge was so strong.
Alright so it is now 6am, beginning of day 4. I have been awake since 2am in tons of discomfort and have thrown up twice.
I have been experiencing awful gas pains since day 1 and it hasn't subsided. It builds up in my intestines and will only be expelled through my stomach, I have been burping almost non-stop and when it gets to be too much it will explode through my stomach and cause me to instantly throw-up if I have too much water in my stomach. I actually feel a little bit better after throwing up and the gas stops for awhile.
Anyway, this is becoming quite unbearable, It feels as though I have been donkey punched in the stomach. I'm quite tough in handling pain, but it is wearing me down mentally.
I could really use some advise, by all means I do NOT want to stop this fast as my addiction still lingers and I will surely return to eating myself to death. If I don't find a solution to ease this discomfort or if it hasn't gone away by end of tomorrow then I will be stopping.
Any suggestions? I tried drinking warm/hot water and that did nothing. I tried deep relaxation techniques in hopes to ease the tension but with no success.
I browsed the forum and found something about
Epsom Salts in the bath, would that help me possibly?
I really appreciate any advise, or suggestions, thank you in advance.
Much love from Erica <3