Re: Alkalinity Kills Candida
Wrong and misleading information.
Not wrong or misleading like the rest of your statements. What I posted is backed by strong scientific evidence as we can all see.
Candida does not thrive in an alkaline environment, nor does an alkaline pH activate hyphal dimorphism.
If talking about Candida albicans, which is being discussed then yes it thrives in an alkaline environment and forms hyphae in an alkaline environment as the overwhelming evidence shows.
Most strains of candida exist in both hyphal and yeast forms in a wide pH range. I have corrected this gross error 6 months ago:
You did not correct anything. Simply making a claim about other species of Candida rather than Candida albicans is like saying apples, bananas and kiwis all taste like oranges because they are all fruit. They may be somewhat related but this does not make them the same. Just like other Candida species may react differently to alkalinity. And again, we are talking about Candida albicans, which the numerous studies show form hyphae, increase growth and become pathogenic in an alkaline environment.
"Effect of pH on in vitro yeast-mycelial dimorphism in genitourinary Candida spp"
Conclusion: "At all three pH levels C. glabrata, C. guilliermondii, C. kefyr andC. parapsilosis isolates (57.1% of the seven Candida species) did not produce any hyphae/filaments (true hyphae) at all (Figs.1 and 2) whereas some isolates of the other species did at pH 5.6 and 7.0. Candida stellatoidea had both yeast and hyphal forms at all pH values (Table1). There was no significant difference in the effect of pH 5.6 and 7.0 on morphology of each of these three species which grew hyphae.
Again, we are discussing Candida albicans, not other species that may have different properties. So your study means nothing here. For example, look at this report on differentiating the two different species of Candida:
And a study showing different properties between these two different species::
Good, now combine what you have just read with info from your favorite website, wikipedia: "The pH in the colon varies between 5.5and 7 (slightly acidic to neutral)."
Very good, you are finally learning. Problem is that you are only talking about the colon not realizing that this is only part of the intestine. Different parts of the intestine have different pH levels. Most of the intestine is slightly acidic from our intestinal flora acids, which help keep Candida albicans under control by turning off the growth gene and keeping the Candida from forming hyphae as the research shows.
You have present in a healthy colon conditions in which candida already thrives in its fungal form.
A healthy colon contains Candida albicans in a yeast, not fungal form, from the present of beneficial flora acids.
Read again: There was no significant difference in the effect of pH 5.6 and 7.0 on morphology of each of these three species which grew hyphae.
And again, we are talking about Candida albicans, not the other species in your one report.
All the fuss raised about "alkalinity" switching on the fungus gene is completely irrelevant.
The only thing that is irrelevant was your one report that did not even mention Candida albicans.
Not to mention that pH of 6.5 to7 is not alkaline, it is by definition acidic to neutral.
I have not seen anyone claim that 6.5 to 7 is alkaline so your comment again is still irrelevant.
This is exactly why impaired bile flow exposes the small intestines to candida overgrowth: because without the exposure to HIGH alkalinity of 8.8 to 9, candida thrives.
Wrong again. Let's take a look at the pH values of the intestine:
"The intraluminal pH is rapidly changed from highly acid in the stomach to about pH 6 in the duodenum. The pH gradually increases in the small intestine from pH 6 to about pH 7.4 in the terminal ileum. The pH drops to 5.7 in the caecum, but again gradually increases, reaching pH 6.7 in the rectum."
Just so you don't get too confused pH values of 6, 5.7 and 6.7 are all acidic, not alkaline. A pH of 7.4 is slightly, not highly alkaline. So there is only one part of the intestine that is slightly alkaline with the rest being acidic to control Candida albicans overgrowth.
And this is exactly why restoring bile flow through liver flushing eliminates candida from the small intestines.
Liver flushing is a joke as I have also provided massive amounts of evidence to. Furthermore, there is a lot more involved in the production and release of bile than simply ingesting some oil. This is why people need to be so careful about getting their medical advice from Curezone. There are too many people here pretending to be experts that don't have a clue what they are talking about. They will often try to apply unrelated studies as "evidence" to their claims as one means to deceive people.
To anyone reading the information concerned or confused about the effect of alkalinity on candida: make no mistake. Alkaline environments kill candida.
Not is does not as the evidence has shown.
Here is a photo of one of the colonies I have killed:
People: this is not mucus. This is not "undigested fiber". It is candida in its hyphal form.
Any proof to this claim other than your thinking this is Candida? And how would you have even developed a colony of fungal Candida with all the alkalinizing and "liver flushing" you do that you claim kills the Candida? Your own comments are proof positive that alkalinizing and "liver flushing" are quackery.
And I have eliminated over 1000 colonies like this.
See my last comment. If you keep passing mucous like that you are definitely doing something wrong.
Do not follow the advice of the above poster who merely reads biased medical studies that are against natural healing and common sense then jumps to his own erroneous conclusions.
Just because they studies disprove your claims this does not make them biased. And why have so many studies from different independent sources come to the same conclusion that acidity controls Candida albicans and alkalinity promotes it? Simple, because they relied on actual research to determine this and not guessing like your guessing what is in the toilet.
Listen to someone with experience who has cured himself and others.
You cured yourself? You just got done saying that you eliminated over 1,000 colonies of Candida. Even if that is a Candida colony, which it is not likely, and you passed one a day that has ben how many years you have been attempting to cure yourself?
Flush your liver free of intrahepatic stones and get your highly alkaline bile flowing once again then see how much your candida starts to "thrive". Hah.
I have also addressed the myths of "liver flushing" and intrahepatic stones being common previously:
Unless you have some proof to your claims there is really nothing more to say. But knowing your history of attacking people and being disruptive I am sure that proving you wrong in this post is not going to stop you.