Re: Week 5 of Fuhrman diet. A bit disappointed...
Hi vorius,
Let me start by congratulating you on sticking to the plan for so long. If Furhman's diet was better than what you were on before, then it's only expected that you would see some benefits from it but unfortunately his plan is flawed scientifically. I don't want to play "my plan is better than your plan" but the years that I've spent researching natural health have shown me that true health can only be achieved by living within our biological limits.
As frugivores, our natural diet is raw fruits although we can benefit from some raw vegetables, nuts and seeds. Minimally cooked vegetables can also be useful but fruits, nuts and seeds must never be cooked.
You did a great service to yourself by dropping the olive oil and the grain products but may have to take bigger steps to reach the goal you have before you. Once you learn the benefits of a natural diet and the downsides of "normal" foods, you too might decide that the old standard diet is not in your best interest.
Should you wish to know more, I can point you in the direction of plenty of free literature and
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