Re: A thought on LF
Lol, this coming from someone "proving" the small intestines is "sterile"
ROTFLMAO!!!! Funny how you once again twist what was really said in yet another attempt to mislead people. "Essentially sterile" is not the same as completely "sterile". Look at what I really said in a previous post where I was correcting so many of your errors:
"Before you and F**** M** get too excited, keep in mind that you both missed the point ENTIRELY, which was, the small intestines are in a pH of 7.0 to 9.0-Michael B
ROTFLMAO!!! This is because most of the flora reside in the colon. These flora generate ACIDS by the fermentation of fibers. These are the same acids that control the overgrowth of Candida and keep Candida in its benign yeast form. Since the small intestine contains very little of these bacteria the pH of the small intestine is high. The colon is more acidic (lower pH) because of the higher numbers of these beneficial bacteria in the colon. I just love it when the LF supporters provide the proof themselves that they are wrong. Saves me a lot of work having to provide the evidence they are wrong.-Hveragerthi
Hmmm...... "Very little of these bacteria" is far from completely "sterile" as you implied I said. So you just busted yourself in yet another lie!!!