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Re: Taking a Leap of Faith and...
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Re: Taking a Leap of Faith and...

Thank you again. I was researching gold light after reading your post. I came across this from a website:


Gold is great because it is far less intense than clear light and facilitates balance between your body and spirit. In fact in modern clairvoyant schools gold is one of the colors that is worked with the most habitually. However, surrounding yourself with a color of light is almost never used as a protective method in these schools. They use other specific and more effective techniques.


I wish that this website elaborated more as I would have thought that a gold light would also be protective when it comes to keeping malevolant entities away....?

Then I found this on yet another website:


Some people do, however, like the idea that all of their dead ancestors, spirit guides, and family members are perpetually in their aura. The only problem with this is that although you might "feel" safer with all those beings in your space, you really no longer have seniority over your own decisions, energy, or inner space in this kind of situation. So what happens is that you are really no longer "you" as a spirit in a body, but "you with a whole ton of virtual roommates", i.e., you plus a conglomerate of spirits.


So, can you help me with a question I have? If a guide/angel or a loved one who has crossed over does have a message for me, will s/he be able to come through when I meditate while surrounding myself with a gold light?

Interestingly enough, in the past, I would get spoken messages on rare occasions coming to me during that twilight phase between sleep and wakefulness. For example, we were planning a weekend getaway to a nearby city. The weather said there would be constant rain. I groaned out loud to myself then said that I would just pack raingear and not let the rain slow me down. A few days before we were to leave, I clearly heard a man with a smile in his voice say to me "It's going to be better than you think!" Sure enough, the heaviest rain showed up during our last night in town.

The reason I have gone to readers/mediums (which is a rare occurence for me) is not that I wish to invalidate my own intuitive abilities but because my abilities are not that strong. Plus, I often find that we can be more in tune with what others have going on in their lives but we sometimes are too close to the situation to evaluate our own situations effectively. Does that make sense? For example, I used to have a friend who was very intuitive. She could pick up on lots of things about me. Yet I noticed when it came to her own life, she was often wrong. I would pick up things and tell her that my gut was telling me that she would be better off doing A instead of B. She would tell me I was wrong but time would prove me right.

As for my gut --- it has steered me well in the past. That's why I was somewhat shaken when the trip I took on the date given to me didn't pan out.

I apologize for the length of this post and appreciate any advice you have.

Thank you for taking the time to read and respond!


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