14 y
Taking a Leap of Faith and...
A little bit of background --- Admittedly, I've been reluctant---even a bit afraid---to take a leap of faith. I do have some intuitive abilities but they are limited. On the advice of a good reader, I have been meditating for several months with the intention of contacting my guides/angels, however with limited success. Plus I've undergone hypnosis to raise my vibration and make me more open to spiritual contact.
Recently, I was meditating on something that I want to happen. I was shown a specific date (shown to me in bold lettering). On this date, I was to travel a bit of a distance to accomplish a task that would lead me to what I've wanted to happen. In the days after receiving this date, I meditated, asking for more details and was given some although not as loudly or clearly as when the date was given to me.
So...I made the trip and followed through on the task --- only to find that it came to naught.
Now, I'm having a real crisis of faith and feeling very hurt and let down. How could my guides/angels steer me so wrong?
How do I get past this experience? How do I get to the point where I feel comfortable and trusting when it comes to taking another leap of faith?
I appreciate any advice on how to get past this and trust my intuitive abilities.
All that said, I truly appreciate all that's good in my life and do keep an appreciation diary. However, right now I feel very let down...