Questions about hypermagnesia and kidneys..
What symptoms where you getting when you started getting overloaded?
I read stuff about people with kidney failure/problems having an increased risk of getting too much magnesium. Ever since I jacked myself up Saturday, I've been peeing A LOT. I was peeing like every hour, and each time it was nearly a full water bottle amount. Yesterday afternoon the amount of urine decreased to about half a water bottle each time, but the frequency was about the same; more frequent a couple of times. Towards the night the amount was still half a water bottle and the frequency was finally less, but a little before I had my last meal, I got up to go to the bathroom which strained myself increasing the blood pressure again, and I started peeing more again.
I must have urinated like 20 times or so yesterday. Last night my kidney area started feeling sore/dull pain, and it still feels like that.
I think all the high blood pressure was damaging them. I felt warm yesterday, but it was the blood pressure, as I checked my temperature several times and no fever.
How should I factor this in with supplementing magnesium?
I ended up taking 400 mgs yesterday total.
On the plus side, yesterday evening I was able to sit up for about two hours without the blood pressure shooting up too high. I did all this relaxation and nice music. It really helped. Hopefully by the end of today I progress to being able to stand again.