Re: save your money!!!!!
I have read much info on gluten and
food allergies and I believe that MANY people here are probably gluten sensitive, and possibly have celiac disease. The easy thing to do is buy more products looking for a (CURE). If you are sensitive to food, there is no cure in a bottle. Sure, some things may make you feel better for a little while, but when you eat the wrong foods, the reactions come right back. I would love to say that you could go get a pizza one day, but you may not be able to. My cousin had all of the same symptoms as much of us have and was diagnosed(incorrectly, by very expensive doctors) with fibromyalgia. I found a website that led me to believe she had celiac disease, and after a blood work-up for celiac, it was confirmed. She can never eat gluten foods again, ever! It damages your intestines, among other things. The hard thing to do is change your diet, believe me, I have been fighting it for a long time, but I did it. A good rule of thumb is that if you don't make it with your own natural ingredients, don't eat it! Food that comes from any box is not what your body needs. Also, no flour!! Of any kind. No pasta, which kills me, I'm Italian, but feeling bad just isn't worth it! Take the test for yourself. Stop eating flour, for 2 weeks. do you feel better???? While you're at it, stop drinking milk and eating sugar, (which, I believe heavily contributes to arthritis, I have learned for myself). Take note of how much better you feel and then re-introduce each item back to your body, and see if you feel worse. In the mean time, I am working on stress and adrenals, but haven't gotten that far, research wise. Thanks for listening. Here's to all of our health and well being!!!!