14 y
Re: YES YES YES !!! I think I have a piece of the puzzle too:
I'm right where you are. Don't even have to count my pulse rate, I can feel the elevated rate after eating certain meals.
You made a good point - for this to work there has to be a certain level of calm in the body, and an in-touchness. This has been the year from Hell for me healthwise and 7 mos. ago I don't think I would have been able to distinguish cause and effect. Too much going on, a virtual health storm.
But now when I eat certain Lean Cuisine frozen entrees I do notice the elevated heart rate. I just have to figure out which ones and what ingredients. I may already know the answer, I recently confirmed I'm sensitive to gluten. Btw, that's another way to learn of a
food sensitivity : spontaneous post-nasal drip. I was feeling perfectly fine, then ate some cereal with wheat in it and BAM - post-nasal drip. Suspected it for a long time.
Another factor here is the adrenals. I've been rebuilding them slowly for a couple of years now w/ noticeable progress. And so it may be that b/c they're working more properly now I'm feeling them react to the 'bad' foods. Some people w/ severe AF won't be able to use the pulse method. The adrenals can be too exhausted to pump out the hormones they're supposed to. Or they can be pumping them out all the time (inappropriately) and so the person can't feel the diff.
If the big tuning knob is broke, the fine tuning knob is useless. --- Thanks for the post.