Re: Uncontrollable shaking, anxiety at night.
Okay, you have a lot going on here. Anxiety attacks, in most instances, have an emotional and physical cause. And yes, your adrenals are probably severely affected. First thing that you need to do is eat right. Switch to a mostly raw diet, consisting of as many fruits and vegetables as possible. Get rid of all processed foods, junk foods, fast foods, sweets (sugar especially) sodas and so on. Oh......... And no alcohol. Alcohol will eventually turn on you and actually cause the panic that you are trying so hard to avoid. By switching to a healthy diet alone, you will notice that symptoms will subside. I have met at least one person whose anxiety was related to their gastrointestinal problems. Once that was resolved, they were okay.. I would also suggest that you take digestive enzymes for proper absorption of nutrients. However, I venture to say that part of the problem is emotional, as I see the common thread that is so often found in anxiety sufferers. You had a rough childhood. And, this of course would pave the way for a rough young adult life, and not addressed, it could snowball through your entire life. Emotional issues need to be dealt with and resolved. What I find encouraging is that you state that you refuse to give up. And I'm here to tell you that you can completely heal, but you must take the proper steps to do so and one very important step is cleaning up your diet. All the unhealthy foods is contributing to your condition.
Okay......... for your immediate sleeping problem, go to the Bach Flower Remedy site and get something called Rescue Remedy to help you with the panic you feel while going to sleep. You may also want to get something to help you sleep peacefully. Also, look through the site and get whatever is pertinent to your personal emotions.
Additionally, colloidal gold is very effective in grounding you and easing depression, and I suspect that severe depression is involved in all this. Utopia Silver has excellent quality colloidal gold. Colloidal gold works on body, mind and spirit. I take it every day.
I am going to leave you with the following article that I wrote on this subject, and keep in mind, it is from a personal perspective. I suffered from severe anxiety and panic for almost ten years before I learned about the importance of the proper diet and natural remedies. In it you will find additional supplements that will be instrumental in your healing.
I wish you the very best Dayvan. I know exactly what you are going through. But I'm here to tell you that with the proper lifestyle changes and working on resolving emotional issues, it will be okay.
My Best,