Re: Eyebrow Area Swollen
I noticed the disparity between the two eyes with the infection (and before the broken amalgalm, but I was clenching), but having one side of the face swollen made me think the problem was on that side, and ignore the other eye (silly).
Actually, I'm already doing almost all the things you suggested in the diet, except for carrots (?).
Today I had some Tostitos organic blue corn chips cause I'm lacking variety of foods I can eat. And it seems not to bother me (with moderation), although corn is not recommended.
I want to try baking with coconut flour and organic corn meal to have something else to eat, but I have no good milk alternative, unless I use coconut milk with guar gum (need to recheck my reaction to it, or as ingredient in baking), so I can have breakfast again (pancakes without sugar?).
At the end of the week I'll buy organic frozen vegetables from the only chain-store that sells more organic foods, compared to the restricted variety (and higher price, of course) of supermarkets (Melissa's Red Cabbage, Carrots, local Sprouts & Pumpkins).
I'm avoiding conventional (pesticides, except for Onions, and Garlic from China) or starchy vegetables (which are produced locally). I did buy a green papaya, but if I boil it, I loose the enzymes, if I let it ripen, it has more fructose. Not that it bothers me, just don't think fructose is recommended.
I don't have anything sweet to eat, and if I don't cook, I can't eat, so 1/2 meals a day, that's why I ate the corn chips today, as I feared eating eggs on same day I had beef (too much protein).
Is hard when you avoid pesticides, GMO's, and try unsuccessfully to get meat from grass fed animals. My other option is to buy meat from Argentina/Uruguay, which may be grass fed.
I could get a little runny nose form meat & vegetables (maybe the heat), but is gone soon enough, but nothing like eating offensive foods.
Exercising and sweating cleared my sinuses tonight (light weight-lifting, stepper), not that I was particularly congested, but noticed it felt good.