Re: Who is going to look after all the children??
Unwanted babies grow up to be unwanted adults in a sense. Our world view forms before the age of 5 when our critical factor is non existent. So much of the dysfunction we experience in our collective world is due to low self esteem from a dysfunctional childhood.
This goes on to create wars, hate, crime, etc as the ailing psyche seeks to complete itself by things "out there". The "if only" mechanism kicks in and we see if only I had x, y. z then I would feel better, This though, is an impossibility as the mind just creates the next gap to fill because it is the mind itself that is fractured and nothing "out there." We create outer disharmony due to inner disharmony. Until we heal the pattern the creation of disharmony will continue as id coming off of a factory assembly line.
Lets heal our world before we make matters worse by bringing unwanted humans into an already hurting world. Human life is precious but its even more precious when it enters harmony . Precious suffering oh the other hand is actually an oxymoron.