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InnerCalm Views: 2,884
Published: 15 y
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Like I said in an earlier post the issue of abortion is just the tip of the iceberg as far as problems go. This problem like all others is based on separation within the human psyche and this dis ease extends to all corners of human existence. We live in an ailing toxic world due to this separation. Religions perpetuate it. Our education system perpetuates it. The media perpetuates it. Social engineering locks it in.

The conditioning runs deep. We must interrupt the pattern for meaningful and lasting change to occur.

Perhaps what spud is saying is not so much of a judgment call, but a taking of the collective pulse and offering her suggestions in dealing with things where we are here and now. So then, it may not be wise to bring another human life into a suffering situation until things improve. Perhaps our energies should go into creating a balanced state here on this planet. I guarantee once we do that abortion would be a very rare occurrence.

This shows that the root of the problem is much further down the tree where issues like abortions are mere leaves dangling in the breeze. We can try and prune the leaves all we want but they will continue to regrow. Forcing a women to have a baby against her will just grows and hardens the problem of the psyche fracture.

As you know it is all being projected from within us. I think you see that now. It's not happening "out there." Out there is the effect of a cause within us. So the healing of the fractured psyche must occur before anything will ever improve on the stage of life. To try and correct things the other way around is fruitless and just confuses the issue ad keeps the train rolling down the track.


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