Re: Anyone know what the hell this is??
Is quercetin's antihistamine effect going to be significant in stomach acid production at all? I know PPIs work to decrease histamine or block the receptors in the gastric area and that turns off acid production. Would quercetin's inhibition of histamine release cause this problem?
I agree that candida or yeast infection/overgrowth can be because of the lack of flora but not always. This is still poorly understood and the species of bacteria, how many and located where is all very variable. I believe that for yeast or candida to take hold and flourish, yes the good flora needs to be overrun such as with a course of
Antibiotics but there is more to gut immunity that flora. Flora is key no doubt, but also SIgA, HCL, terrain are all different levels of immunity so things like candida don't take hold.
The problem though, is that when candida or yeast or fungus DO take hold AND manage to flourish or grow, the terrain itself is changed and so is the host and its defense. In many people with chronic yeast issues such as myself, taking only probiotics will not cure the situation but doing everything possible to kill the yeast when possible, stop it from growing or living such like any other infection even ones on the skin, while working towards a terrain that is inhospitable for the organism (including probiotics and flora) is the best way to do it.
I have been sick for a very long time and probably more of the severe ones here on curezone's candida/yeast/adrenal/leakygut/cfs/MCS type forums and nothing has helped but to treat in the way, which was to go on a no carb, no
Sugar diet, take antifungals, persistently avoid what irritates my gut and increases inflammation and I believe that slowly but surely the "immunity" will get there. Once my test shows 0 yeast, leaky gut and probiotics + antiinflammatory supplements will be the focus.
I'm never set 100% on anything though and am always willing to try new things so if one day some random probiotic supplement ends up curing me entirely, i'll be proud to admit I was wrong and share the news. So far however with over 15-20 products (jarrow 3 different kinds, Metagenics, health trinity, theralac, culturelle, Align, Custom Probiotics, and many more) i have yet to see probiotics be more than temporary assistance when it works properly, and terrible when it doesn't.
anyway, hopefully the quercetin will help with the inflammation and who knows, maybe with the tongue and breathing issued induced by exertion. It will be in the mail today.